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"Be The One"


Discover the universal roadmap to create, design, and live an unforgettable life.


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"Be The One"


Discover the universal roadmap to create, design, and live an unforgettable life.


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Who ā€œBe the Oneā€ Is Forā€¦

This book is for you, the person who is striving, working, planning, praying, and doing everything they can to ā€œBe the Oneā€ for their family, to live a life worth remembering, and to make a difference in this worldā€¦Ā 

You and I are kindred souls, bound by our shared desire to make a positive impact on our world . . . and the world.Ā 

I believe the lessons in these pages will inspire and empower you to do just that.


This Isnā€™t Just ā€œAnotherā€ Motivational Book

Inside ā€˜Be The One,ā€™ I share stories that will inspire you, move you, and motivate you. But we wonā€™t stop thereā€¦

Instead, I will hand you the tools, reveal the habits, and guide you through the precise steps and strategies for you to ā€œBe the One.ā€

Hereā€™s just a preview of whatā€™s inside:

How an ā€œintellectually disabledā€ child became the ā€œrenaissance manā€ of our generation. And the single formula you can learn from him to overcome your biggest challenges and detractors.

The 3 ā€œCsā€ of Success that Winston Churchill, Michael Jordan, and Sara Blakely leveraged to outperform their surprisingly limited, God-given gifts: And how any everyday person can do the same.

A DIY ā€œdream-buildingā€ practice to rapidly uncover exactly what you want out of life over the next 3, 5, 10 years - and beyond. Plus, the fool-proof plan to achieve it all - without relying on hope, luck, or manifestation.

The science-backed path to ignite your focus and outproduce the clock (and your competition) in todayā€™s distracted world.

Hard-won business lessons from turning around a rapidly declining multimillion-dollar empire that was compared to ā€œchanging the engine of a 737 while flying at thirty thousand feet.ā€

Why surrounding yourself with the 5 people you most aspire to be like is a lie. And a better, more complete way to amplify your associations.

How to develop a ā€œmind like waterā€ so you thrive during lifeā€™s peaks and valleys.

What Marcus Aurelius, Kobe Bryant, and Alexander Hamilton have in common with you. And the single shift you can make today to achieve great things faster, just like they did.

The secret to success I learned at 13 years old from an 8-time Mr. Olympia; and how you can leverage this secret, at any age, to scientifically retrain your subconscious for dramatic success.

Lifeā€™s two racesā€”and how to win both. i.e. The proven formula to achieving personal and professional success - at the same time.

Plus more poignant, powerful, and practical secrets, stories, and strategies to ā€œBe the One.ā€


This Isnā€™t Just ā€œAnotherā€ Motivational Book

Inside ā€˜Be The One,ā€™ I share stories that will inspire you, move you, and motivate you. But we wonā€™t stop thereā€¦

Instead, I will hand you the tools, reveal the habits, and guide you through the precise steps and strategies for you to ā€œBe the One.ā€

Hereā€™s just a preview of whatā€™s inside:

How an ā€œintellectually disabledā€ child became the ā€œrenaissance manā€ of our generation. And the single formula you can learn from him to overcome your biggest challenges and detractors.

The 3 ā€œCsā€ of Success that Winston Churchill, Michael Jordan, and Sara Blakely leveraged to outperform their surprisingly limited, God-given gifts: And how any everyday person can do the same.

A DIY ā€œdream-buildingā€ practice to rapidly uncover exactly what you want out of life over the next 3, 5, 10 years - and beyond. Plus, the fool-proof plan to achieve it all - without relying on hope, luck, or manifestation.

The science-backed path to ignite your focus and outproduce the clock (and your competition) in todayā€™s distracted world.

Hard-won business lessons from turning around a rapidly declining multimillion-dollar empire that was compared to ā€œchanging the engine of a 737 while flying at thirty thousand feet.ā€

Why surrounding yourself with the 5 people you most aspire to be like is a lie. And a better, more complete way to amplify your associations.

How to develop a ā€œmind like waterā€ so you thrive during lifeā€™s peaks and valleys.

What Marcus Aurelius, Kobe Bryant, and Alexander Hamilton have in common with you. And the single shift you can make today to achieve great things faster, just like they did.

The secret to success I learned at 13 years old from an 8-time Mr. Olympia; and how you can leverage this secret, at any age, to scientifically retrain your subconscious for dramatic success.

Lifeā€™s two racesā€”and how to win both. i.e. The proven formula to achieving personal and professional success - at the same time.

Plus more poignant, powerful, and practical secrets, stories, and strategies to ā€œBe the One.ā€


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Available at Following Retailers

A Message From New York Times
Best-Selling Author John C. Maxwell

I have been a student of personal growth, leadership, and success for more than fifty years, and Iā€™ve been a teacher, leader, and mentor to millions for many of those years.

When I first met Justin Prince, he was an eager student. Since then, Iā€™ve had the privilege of watching him grow into a great teacher, leader, and mentor as well.

What makes Justin great is not only his incredible business accomplishments and accolades. It is his personal accomplishments and accolades that stand out to me. Thatā€™s why I consider him a rare, complete, 360-degree person.

And through his personal transformation, Justin has developed a roadmap for success that he has distilled into this book. A roadmap that, if followed closely, will guarantee you be all you can be. A complete, 360-degree person, like him.

Rather than a purely motivational book, this book is more like an instructional manual. In each chapter, you will find a new ā€œstepā€ to success revealed.

You will discover not just what to do to achieve success in every area of your life, but how to do it. Because the largest gap in the world is between knowing and doing.

I believe this book will finally bridge that gap for you, the reader.

In 1998, my friend Zig Ziglar welcomed readers like you to my world. Today, Iā€™m honored to welcome you to my friend Justin Princeā€™s world.


A Message From New York Times Best-Selling Author John C. Maxwell

I have been a student of personal growth, leadership, and success for more than fifty years, and Iā€™ve been a teacher, leader, and mentor to millions for many of those years.

When I first met Justin Prince, he was an eager student. Since then, Iā€™ve had the privilege of watching him grow into a great teacher, leader, and mentor as well.

What makes Justin great is not only his incredible business accomplishments and accolades. It is his personal accomplishments and accolades that stand out to me. Thatā€™s why I consider him a rare, complete, 360-degree person.

And through his personal transformation, Justin has developed a roadmap for success that he has distilled into this book. A roadmap that, if followed closely, will guarantee you be all you can be. A complete, 360-degree person, like him.

Rather than a purely motivational book, this book is more like an instructional manual. In each chapter, you will find a new ā€œstepā€ to success revealed.

You will discover not just what to do to achieve success in every area of your life, but how to do it. Because the largest gap in the world is between knowing and doing.

I believe this book will finally bridge that gap for you, the reader.

In 1998, my friend Zig Ziglar welcomed readers like you to my world. Today, Iā€™m honored to welcome you to my friend Justin Princeā€™s world.


Praise For ā€œBe The Oneā€

John C. Maxwell

New York Times Best-Selling Author

ā€œJustin Prince isnā€™t just a great business leader. He is a great parent. A great friend. A great mentor. And now, a great author. In ā€˜Be the One,ā€™ you will discover not just what to do to achieve success in every area of your life, but how to do it.ā€

James ā€œThe Iron Cowboyā€ Lawrence

World Record-Holding Triathlete

ā€œIā€™ve read countless personal development books, but ā€˜Be the Oneā€™ stands out from the rest. Itā€™s more than a roadmap; itā€™s a powerful catalyst for growth.ā€

Sarah Zolecki

Billion-Dollar Entrepreneur

ā€œThe priceless lessons Justin has poured into ā€˜Be The Oneā€™ will propel you to fully embrace life, shatter barriers hindering your progress, and create the future you genuinely deserve so you can ā€˜Be the Oneā€™!ā€

Monte Holm

Co-Founder, World Financial Group

ā€œJustinā€™s exceptional blend of leadership and compassion, intertwined with relatable storytelling, spark an unwavering determination within readers to relentlessly pursue their dreams. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey.ā€

Tiffany Peterson

Host of Globally Ranked ā€œTiffany Peterson Podcastā€

ā€œUnlock your potential and become your best self in every way by immersing yourself in the captivating presence of Justin Princeā€”online, in person, and through the pages of this extraordinary book!ā€

Truman Hunt

Former CEO, Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.

ā€œWith countless books already written about impact and leadership, you might wonder if thereā€™s anything truly groundbreaking left to be said on the matter. Justin Prince provides a resounding answer with his exceptional insights and valuable guidance in ā€˜Be the One.ā€™ā€


Praise For ā€œBe The Oneā€

John C. Maxwell

New York Times Best-Selling Author

ā€œJustin Prince isnā€™t just a great business leader. He is a great parent. A great friend. A great mentor. And now, a great author. In ā€˜Be the One,ā€™ you will discover not just what to do to achieve success in every area of your life, but how to do it.ā€

James ā€œThe Iron Cowboyā€ Lawrence

World Record-Holding Triathlete

ā€œIā€™ve read countless personal development books, but ā€˜Be the Oneā€™ stands out from the rest. Itā€™s more than a roadmap; itā€™s a powerful catalyst for growth.ā€

Sarah Zolecki

Billion-Dollar Entrepreneur

ā€œThe priceless lessons Justin has poured into ā€˜Be The Oneā€™ will propel you to fully embrace life, shatter barriers hindering your progress, and create the future you genuinely deserve so you can ā€˜Be the Oneā€™!ā€

Monte Holm

Co-Founder, World Financial Group

ā€œJustinā€™s exceptional blend of leadership and compassion, intertwined with relatable storytelling, spark an unwavering determination within readers to relentlessly pursue their dreams. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey.ā€

Tiffany Peterson

Host of Globally Ranked ā€œTiffany Peterson Podcastā€

ā€œUnlock your potential and become your best self in every way by immersing yourself in the captivating presence of Justin Princeā€”online, in person, and through the pages of this extraordinary book!ā€

Truman Hunt

Former CEO, Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.

ā€œWith countless books already written about impact and leadership, you might wonder if thereā€™s anything truly groundbreaking left to be said on the matter. Justin Prince provides a resounding answer with his exceptional insights and valuable guidance in ā€˜Be the One.ā€™ā€